If you have other questions, please just send it to support@hobbiesco.com.

We take 2 days to process your order, then 5-7 days to deliver it to you. So, it takes an average of 10 days.

Yes, of course. We ship worldwide.

Yes, just wait for 3 days after placing your order and then contact us via email on support@hobbiesco.com

Our products are shipped separately according to your order. If it contains, for example, items from two different warehouses, there will therefore be two deliveries. The rest of the order is likely to arrive shortly.

We apologize for hearing this. Send us an image of the damaged item by e-mail: support@hobbiesco.com and we will send you a similar replacement as soon as possible.

We do not yet have a physical store; we are working on it.

We apologize for the delay. Sometimes international shipments can take longer than expected due to customs clearance. Instead, you can track your order and see where it is whenever you want. If you think you need help looking for your package or would like more information, please contact us at support@hobbiesco.com

Yes of course. We do our best to solve any problems that may arise while our customers are shopping online. You can view our return and refund policy by clicking here.